When training, a restore file need as "yolov3.ckpt". How can I train it from scratch, building a model using init parameters, without restoring such a pretrained saving point.
As the video frame detector causes playback delay, I modified the "detect_video.py" for delayless video detection. Two parameters introduced, where "buffersize" reading consecutive frames ahead, "delay" processing a future frame...
测试集只有post,没有gold response,能提供一下么?
PMI只有12400多个单词,但是训练集中有2w个以上单词,为什么? 计划换个数据集看看效果,能共享你的PMI计算代码么?
When extracting text from pdf (https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2006/02/aa3061-05.pdf), I got a lot of warning and the extraction failed. My code is as: import os import sys import importlib importlib.reload(sys) from pdfminer.pdfparser import...
Following the "https://placeholder-software.co.uk/dissonance/docs/Tutorials/Acoustic-Echo-Cancellation.html", I am trying to deal with the Echo issue using the class AECHelper (see https://github.com/jackyetz/pub/blob/main/AECHelper.cs). The following first paragraph of code in my main thread calls AECHelper,...