Jack Wilsdon

Results 61 comments of Jack Wilsdon

[It appears that some changes were made in June last year to allow Spotify playlist URIs without the user ID](https://developer.spotify.com/community/news/2018/06/12/changes-to-playlist-uris/) (in the form `spotify:playlist:37i9dQZEVXbMDoHDwVN2tF`), however it seems that the Sonos...

By using `Animal.hasOne('owner', Person)`, you are creating the `owner_id` in the `animal` table as you said. This means that each 'owner' can have many animals. Using something like `personInstance.getAnimals()` should...

[It's a beta but you should be able to sign up for it](https://github.blog/changelog/2019-11-14-scheduled-reminders-beta/).

It looks like it's part of [github.com/google/gopacket/pcap](https://godoc.org/github.com/google/gopacket/pcap#NewBPF). [It appears that the example isn't indented with 4 spaces, and therefore is not rendered as pre-formatted text.](https://github.com/google/gopacket/blob/2228ed393a377c03e9750c3e1a817c7cc4e628e7/pcap/pcap.go#L527-L533) I don't think this is...

It looks like GoDoc replaces any instances of the text `package ` with a link to that package, which explains why you're seeing just a link to the `log` package....

It also looks like it does something similar for RFCs (and converting h3s to h4s, but that's not as interesting); https://github.com/golang/gddo/blob/574849d519ec3acb591fc5620ee0aa3ea48081e0/gddo-server/template.go#L340 https://github.com/golang/gddo/blob/574849d519ec3acb591fc5620ee0aa3ea48081e0/gddo-server/template.go#L376-L390

This isn't the repository to fix those typos - this repository is the documentation site itself. See [github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2) for the actual code you are interested in.

Looks like it's [here](https://godoc.org/cloud.google.com/go/storage#hdr-Errors), coming from [this file](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/blob/248f26b89bbb78912d32188cadb3422c11eedb32/storage/doc.go#L172-L174). This doesn't seem to be a problem with gddo, as the mistake is within Google's documentation.

Looks like you can pass a custom path to the assets folder using `-assets path`.

gddo does serve _some_ source in the form of documentation (which I believe is what @frederikhors is referring to). [For example;](https://godoc.org/cloud.google.com/go/storage) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1843197/55689780-b0e51580-5980-11e9-8392-57d0da12bfbc.png)