Jack Snodgrass
Jack Snodgrass
Guess you can close this... it's not a bug but a windows 'feature'. with wsl 2 the user has to setup a port forwarding rule to go from the local...
I'll see if I can get something setup on Monday that you can access. Do you use docker at all?
I was asking about docker because I have a pretty good docker-compose setup for openfire ( a xmpp based chat server ) could be used for localized testing. - jack
no.. sorry.. busy with work. will try and get something setup soon.
I am having this issue also. I have node -v v7.3.0 I can run the example 3.js script and get: [ 'system-power', 'audio-muting', 'speaker-a', 'speaker-b', 'speaker-layout', 'master-volume', 'volume', 'tone-front', 'tone-front-wide',...
Second this request.