
Results 9 issues of jackple

I found "rfx-core" because of [react-mobx-react-router4-boilerplate](https://github.com/mhaagens/react-mobx-react-router4-boilerplate), I think I have done the same thing, but I still can not make mobx store hot reload. my project is [ts-react](https://github.com/jackple/ts-react)

Is there a plan for creating indices like: ```dart @override Set get index => {group, user}; ```


Like `@ffmpeg-installer`, I can install some other binary in `optionalDependencies`. At least, I can install target binaries what I wanted. When I install `gifsicle-bin`, it will download the binary which...

There is something changed at 12.x. For example, the `remote` module. Is there a plan for it? https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/25293

### Preflight Checklist - [X] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for this project. - [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) that this project adheres to. -...

bug :beetle:
windows 7

### Contact Details _No response_ ### What happened? ``` Snipaste.exe show-tray-menu ``` 在win10上, 很多时候无法点击外部区域去关闭 https://github.com/Snipaste/feedback/assets/6183232/9b7f410c-178b-4921-8b2d-7e9d200a8d80 ### Platform Windows Desktop ### Version v2.8.8-Beta (2023.09.25)

### Version of antd-mobile 5.33.2 ### Operating system and its version Others ### Browser and its version every ### Sandbox to reproduce _No response_ ### What happened? 按照官方的配置https://mobile.ant.design/zh/guide/ssr#nextjs-13 直接在项目中使用 ```ts...


I found "rfx-core" because of [ react-mobx-react-router4-boilerplate](https://github.com/mhaagens/react-mobx-react-router4-boilerplate), I think I have done the same thing, but I still can not make mobx store hot reload. my project is [ts-react](https://github.com/jackple/ts-react)

【当前现象】 . 构建时需要分开平台, mac不能打win包, 其实这个障碍是trtcSDK自己造成的, 把所有平台的二进制文件都提供就好了, 然后搭配`extraFiles` 以及 ``` files: [ '!node_modules/trtc-electron-sdk/build' ] ``` 来处理构建的文件 . 至于读取的node文件, 可以参考better-sqlite3, 把binary传进去, 就不用引入`native-ext-loader` 了, 这样就不用区分win和mac构建了, mac也可以打win包 以上的我自己魔改了代码, 然后自行发布了一个版本来给自己使用, 建议官方考虑一下 图例: ![image](https://github.com/tencentyun/TRTCSDK/assets/6183232/bf1df20a-ff8c-40f5-936b-3b6230fa6b06) ![image](https://github.com/tencentyun/TRTCSDK/assets/6183232/e3e3025e-76e7-4662-bc95-13ffb4916bee)