Results 13 issues of Jack N

In the web socket documentation found here, there are no examples of web sockets being implemented with any other html. They are only implemented on their own with the...


I was going through the MVC tutorial found here and I notced that the line ```using WatchTonight.Movies``` caused an error for me until I restarted the genie server. However,...


My SSH server works perfectly with sshfs with a public key, but only as long as passwordauthentication is on, even though I am not prompted for input because I have...

In my experience, many powerful julia packages are limited by the fact that their documentation is not up to date or is not clear. Users will typically get clarification in...

Type: Feature
Status: Speculative
Type: Plugin
help wanted
Format: HTML

When I set all GPU variables to nothing and call CUDA.reclaim(), my GPU memory remains full (does not go back to initial usage). Currently the models being loaded onto the...


``` (v1.7) pkg> add oneAPI Updating registry at `C:\Users\jackn\.julia\registries\General.toml` Resolving package versions... Updating `D:\Storage\Programming\julia\.julia\environments\v1.7\Project.toml` [8f75cd03] + oneAPI v0.2.4 Updating `D:\Storage\Programming\julia\.julia\environments\v1.7\Manifest.toml` [8f75cd03] + oneAPI v0.2.4 [700fe977] + NEO_jll v22.25.23529+0 [85f0d8ed] +...

I tried running the BERT example found here but I got the following error on the train!() line at the bottom of the code. ``` [ Info: loading pretrain...

I get a ERROR: syntax: invalid syntax "preprocess.(sample_data()) = ..." on the last line when I run the code below. The code is from the tutorial on this page


``` Opening HPA dataset... Downloading protein atlas data 100% [..........................................................................] 5596382 / 5596382 Finished downloading Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\jackn\TypeDBBio\typedb-bio\", line 61, in migrate_protein_atlas(session, NUM_PA, args.num_threads, args.commit_batch) File...

When running ```python -n 4 --force True``` I get the following error. ``` Opening DGIdb... Downloading dataset 100% [..........................................................................] 2809387 / 2809387 Finished downloading Starting with drugs. Drugs inserted!...