
Results 32 comments of jackkamm

> Is there any chance that i3 is destroying and then recreating tray area, for example to display it in panel on another monitor? This seems quite likely to me....

I've started work on this upstream: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2019-06/msg00014.html I've put my branch on github here: https://github.com/jackkamm/org-mode/tree/babel-async-session So far I've added async session eval for R, and added some facilities to extend...

Updating my previous comment -- I've moved my code for async session evaluation to a standalone repo at https://github.com/jackkamm/ob-session-async

See this related post for some work in this direction: https://github.com/astahlman/ob-async/issues/1#issuecomment-498033946

The following configuration gets `evil-mc` mostly working with hybrid-style editing: ``` (require 'cl-lib) (require 'multiple-cursors) (customize-set-variable 'evil-mc-custom-known-commands (cl-loop for cmd in mc--default-cmds-to-run-for-all if (not (assoc cmd evil-mc-known-commands)) collect `(,cmd ....

No, I'm not filtering by mapq here, but it appears nearly all the reads have mapq 60. At position 4,308,984 I counted 10 reads with mapq 60, and 2 reads...

I'd be willing to be added as a co-maintainer and help with review/merge of pull requests.

I'm also interested in VTODO support, but had some problems with this branch that I found difficult to debug. Debugging was made harder by the fact that this branch has...

Thanks @grauschnabel -- my work is very minor compared to what you have already done. Also, I was likely too aggressive in removing features; for example, I think I should...

Update: I created a branch that preserves the current functionality of this PR, while still reducing the divergence from upstream. The branch also includes several bugfixes and a unit test...