Jack Firth

Results 253 issues of Jack Firth

Say I have three completely different resources A, B, and C that are all described by some relation X (possibly a very general relation such as "hosts"). In a JSON...


I was looking at https://github.com/jlink/shrinking-challenge and noticed it has benchmarks for Hypothesis. I think it would be handy to have benchmarks for Minithesis too, so it's easy to see how...

**DO NOT MERGE:** this is just to test the Resyntax integration.

Racket version: 6.4 When using `struct-out` on a struct with a `#:type-name` alias, the type alias isn't provided. Example program: ex.rkt ``` #lang typed/racket/base (provide (struct-out foo)) (struct foo ([value...

In [Rebellion](https://github.com/jackfirth/rebellion), I occasionally need to write code like this: ```racket (if (equal? (procedure-arity f) 2) f (procedure-reduce-arity f 2)) ``` This is usually because: 1. I'm stuffing the function...

api design
confusing behavior

I like to use the [`drracket-solarized`](https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/drracket-solarized) color scheme, which comes in light and dark flavors. DrRacket's GUI switches from light to dark when I use dark mode on my mac,...

Racket newcomers are immediately confronted with four equality operators: - `equal?`, which does what you'd expect most of the time - `=`, which does what you'd expect if you're used...


HTTP has a concept of *content negotiation*, where clients tell servers what formats they understand so the server can give different clients the same data in different formats. This works...

surface syntax

In the long term, I would like to integrate [Resyntax](github.com/jackfirth/resyntax/) with this language server so that Racket users can get helpful suggestions for improving their code directly in the editor....

This is a similar pull request to racket/typed-racket#1250. @mflatt suggested the Scribble repository as another good project to try Resyntax on, since it's old, large, and frequently receives pull requests....