Yacobus Reinhart

Results 11 issues of Yacobus Reinhart

it would be great if it support name localization like this http://mongoid.org/en/mongoid/docs/documents.html#localized_fields


Is there a way to use paperclip with hydra attribute? is it possible to have backend_type "attachment"?


It would be great if you can add backend_type below: - Big Decimal - Attachment - Date (instead DateTime) - Hash - Array Thanks millions.


Please allow auto_increment for bigint, thank you. https://github.com/gobuffalo/fizz/blob/master/translators/mysql.go#L227


Interested to have mongodb in dockerrails. thanks.

is it available to write helper module per theme? for example the directory structure will be like this: - themes - business_theme - assets - views - helpers - application_helper.rb...

How to implement it on mountable engine? because i tested, it doesnt work. many thanks.

Hi Bro, I would like to ask, is mebla support master / slave database from current mongoid.yml configuration ? how i can switch searching in mebla to my slaves or...

Rod Version: v0.114.7 Example script: ```golang func UploadFile(launcherURLstring, localFilePath string) { browser := launcher.MustNewManaged(launcherURL).StartURL("about:blank").NoSandbox(true).MustConnect() page := browser.MustPage(`http://local.host/upload-form`) page.MustElementX(`//input[@type="file"]`).MustSetFiles(localFilePath ) } ``` The script above is working well, but the file...


How to implement cache fragment and action here? it seems the chache_action doesnt work for json_builder