i also have this problem. when i running a long time sql question,it's come out error every time at 10min. where can i change my config?
"level":50,"name":"emailinbox","err":"type","mongoServerError" ,message:"E11000 duplicate key error collection:rocketchat.rocketchat_email_message_history index: _id_ dup key"
i use email address verification ,my email can receive mail from rocket.chat. but when i test in email inbox ,send test mail ,there is nothing happen.why?
i'm offline ,my rockatchat version is 5.4.0,mongodb is 4.4 ,my email server is ewomail
oh, i realizied that relationship was created succsessful, but it don't show in cases 'incident c' -> knowleage, how can i add side (relationship between 'observable a' and 'observable b'...