Jack Michaud
Jack Michaud
Semi-related to #452. When using `@inject`, any arbitrary provider `T` may be provided as an argument to Provide[T] when injecting a provider without a type error. For example, in the...
When using [Pyright](https://github.com/microsoft/pyright) for typechecking, injected provider arguments raise type errors. For example, in the flask miniapp (`examples/miniapps/flask/`), the full output from running `pyright githubnavigator/views.py` from the root of the...
### Description Makes a few backwards compatible changes to support the Python Firebase Admin SDK. - fix: support multipart upload boundaryId with quotes - fix: support lower-case content type -...
Fix #53
* Adds support for directly using mapState and mapGetters, enabling vuex namespaces. * Adds "handles namespaced state in stateToProps" and "handles namespaced getters in gettersToProps" tests * Adds usage in...
As of version 3.68.0, the Terraform AWS provider supports [specifying account settings flags](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/10168). ([Docs](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/ecs_account_setting_default)) Is it possible to set the `awsvpcTrunking` flag for the container instance role through this module?...
As per discussion in #180, the communication between the website and API should be tested through a Contract test. This test should test that each call satisfies the OpenAPI schema...
As per discussion in #180, the communication between the discord bot and API should be tested through a Contract test. This test should test that each call satisfies the OpenAPI...
Fixes #204 - refactor: move new task's oasst api fetching into OasstApiClient - test: add contract tests for fetchTask and ackTask - docs: Add TODOs to refactor and add more...
**Note**: Waiting for https://github.com/LAION-AI/Open-Assistant/pull/342 to be merged. The website directly calls the backend through `fetch` [here](https://github.com/LAION-AI/Open-Assistant/blob/a95e71d6f9b8c46d8f6d875cb1cce12bfd549e63/website/src/pages/api/update_task.ts#L39-L57) when it should be called through the `OasstApiClient`. 1. Create a new method in...
**Note**: Waiting for https://github.com/LAION-AI/Open-Assistant/pull/342 to be merged. There are three tests that were not written for the `OasstApiClient`. The TODOs for the tests can be found [here](https://github.com/LAION-AI/Open-Assistant/blob/a95e71d6f9b8c46d8f6d875cb1cce12bfd549e63/website/cypress/contract/oasst_api_contract_tests.cy.ts#L26-L28) and the`OasstApiClient` can...