Jacek Schæ

Results 15 comments of Jacek Schæ

Hi there, When you navigate to your `node_modules/styled-icons/fa-solid` do you find the `ChevronLeft.js`?

That is a good first step. I believe your version of the package change? Can you try to see what is the documentation saying about export? You can look up...

Thanks a lot for this! I just updated all the lessons and added the attribution!

This depends on the browser you are using. Normally this would be done with an extension.

Hi there, I'm sorry for the late reply on this one - somehow even thought I watch the repo - I don't get any notifications. Thanks so much for your...

What is your setup when you develop front end / mobile apps with shadow-cljs -- could you please share your desktop setup? I'm looking into working on the dark mode...

> Not sure how useful this data point is, but FWIW I don't really pay attention to that UI. I check the terminal output of shadow-cljs and go from there....

I just run this with the version of shadow-cljs that is in the course `2.3.30` and the newest `2.8.67` and it works withouth a problem. The question is why it...

Just run your code on my machine and it works I assume that when you connect to remote repl you are providing `localhost` and `3333`