Kiran Jonnalagadda

Results 268 issues of Kiran Jonnalagadda

py.test tests are much nicer to read. [unittest2pytest]( provides an automated test re-writer that can handle the bulk of the task. Setting up fixtures correctly will take a bit more...


Baseframe currently supplies a JSON Encoder that is used for objects from Coaster. It makes sense to host the encoder in Coaster itself, to sync maintenance, and use a subclass...


The current "immutable" and "cached" annotations are used to indicate database columns that are read-only and holding disposable values, respectively. We need one or two more annotations: 1. "temporary": indicating...


Coaster needs to provide the foundation for API-based access to HasGeek apps. Our current approach has tight coupling between view functions and the rendered output, whether as HTML or JSON....


HasGeek apps now make extensive use of Redis, calling it multiple times in each request. Redis is much faster if we call it just once, pipelining all requests. We use...


Ticket #132 was closed prematurely citing existing use. `requestargs` continues to cause confusion as it suggests that `request.args` will be consulted, while actually consulting `request.values`. To fix: 1. Rename `requestargs`...


`rel="nofollow"` is currently added to all links by `markdown` and `sanitize_html`. It should not be added to: 1. Relative links 2. Trusted domains as specified in the app configuration, which...


StateManager currently allows database queries like this: ```python Document.query.filter(Document.state.PUBLISHED).all() ``` Unfortunately, this makes it impossible to examine the `PUBLISHED` workflow state, as any attempt to access it will render a...


A ModelView that implements views for transitions has to do it the manual way: by specifying a route for every transition, each decorated with `requires_roles` (#179). We currently use a...


ClassView currently expects an app in the `init_app` call. It must also accept blueprints, and most support registration with more than one app. The main (known) consideration when using a...
