Jaak Laineste

Results 32 issues of Jaak Laineste

In long term usage of Metal (in some form) to be considered for iOS support


App can set parameter language=en, language=es etc for both geocode and reverse-geocode requests. For geocode it gives hint, for reverse-geocode sets preferred language. Maybe add language also as paratmeter to...


- [x] Check that there are no "nutiteq.osm" references - [x] Check that built-in style constants are also working one. - [x] Update SDK version to 4.1.2 in getting started...


Current basemap layer language selection of SDK allows to set 2 parameters: "language" and "fallbackLanguage", where you set language code (e.g. "es" for Spanish) to either of them, and it...


For faster style updates. Helps if app automatically checks style updates with every run.

Add general automatic storage for persistent caching of config jsons, styles and map tiles (for CARTO online datasources). Exact scope to be defined. Currently persistent map tile storage has to...

Probably special service is needed to configure layers, and give SQL-access to geopackage tables from downloaded .carto file. One .carto file can include several datasets (each has own .gpkg file,...


Parse geometries from [TWKB binary format](https://github.com/TWKB/Specification) Test: query data from CARTO SQL API using [PostGIS as_twkb()](http://postgis.net/docs/ST_AsTWKB.html) function, show it on map Size comparison with point data, * src: 150K points:...


Give geometry + radius as optional geocoding condition for general geo-dependent search. Geometry could be point, line or polygon, for polygon the radius could be negative.
