Jaakko Ruohio

Results 53 comments of Jaakko Ruohio

@atbug wrote on Slack workaround ``` export JULIA_SSL_CA_ROOTS_PATH=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt ```

Closing as Julia 1.10.2 has been released.

Depending on your requirements, you could consider `simplify`ing the poly before buffering ``` buffered_poly = LibGEOS.buffer(simplify(poly, abs(dist)), dist, 40) ```

Seems to work with `p2 = LibGEOS.Polygon([reverse(c2[1])])`. Therefore looks like https://github.com/libgeos/geos/issues/827 .

Flipping winding of `p2` gives the desired result. I agree the algorithm is faulty. ``` using LibGEOS, GLMakie, GeoInterfaceMakie GeoInterfaceMakie.@enable(LibGEOS.AbstractGeometry) c1 = [[[0.0, 65905.78568220709], [12540.144108116785, 66644.10887217366], [13639.90993528687, 64693.73062699103], [13323.160413385054, 61494.1194419435],...

As points are `Float64`, I would buffer the line a bit ``` LibGEOS.intersects(nearest_point, buffer(geos_line_string,1e-12)) # true ```

Worst offender in the precompiled size I have seen is https://github.com/Gnimuc/GLTF.jl. v1.11.0-beta1 (211 MB) is about 5x bigger than v1.10.3 (43 MB).

https://www.toml-lint.com/ says ``` Years less than 1000 must be zero padded to four characters at row 1, col 18, pos 17: 1> shall_pass = 800-01-01T00:00:00.000Z ^ 2: shall_not_pass = 0800-01-01T00:00:00.000Z...

I started evaluating StatsPlots. Have to admit it took some time to figure the syntax after having used aggregate from DataFrames.

Seems I am not the only one https://github.com/JuliaPlots/StatsPlots.jl/issues/179 I was expecting to just list the columns, but turns out I was not reading the README.md carefully enough. In summary, a...