Jaakko Ruohio
Jaakko Ruohio
This works ``` using PyCall pptx = pyimport("pptx") RGBColor = pptx.dml.color.RGBColor Inches = pptx.util.Inches prs = pptx.Presentation() title_slide_layout = get(prs.slide_layouts, 1) slide = prs.slides.add_slide(title_slide_layout) shape = slide.shapes.add_table(4, 3, Inches(1), Inches(1),...
PackageCompiler option `include_transitive_dependencies=false` solves this for both PackageCompiler v1.7.7 and v2.0.2. Tested with Julia v1.7.0-rc3, LoopVectorization v0.12.98, Octavian v0.3.8.
Reopening, this still fails ``` PackageCompiler.create_sysimage(["LoopVectorization","Octavian","OrdinaryDiffEq"], sysimage_path="sysimage_LV.so", include_transitive_dependencies=false) ``` with Julia v1.7.0-rc3, LoopVectorization v0.12.98, Octavian v0.3.8, both PackageCompiler v1.7.7 and v2.0.2. ``` PS C:\temp> C:\Users\jaakkor2\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia-1.7.0-rc3\bin\julia.exe --sysimage .\sysimage_LV.so Please submit a...
With LoopVectorization v0.12.98, OrdinaryDiffEq v5.67.0, Octavian v0.3.8, PackageCompiler v2.0.2. ``` PackageCompiler.create_sysimage(["LoopVectorization","Octavian","OrdinaryDiffEq"], sysimage_path="sysimage_LV.so", include_transitive_dependencies=false) ``` Some Julia versions crash during startup, some are fine | Julia version | Verdict | |...
`Version 1.7.0-rc3.9 (2021-11-16) refs/pull/43047/merge/36c5e22f07 (fork: 401 commits, 162 days)` from PR https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/43047 works as well.
With Julia v1.7.0 official binaries from https://julialang.org/downloads/ I can reproduce the crash with building the sysimage with ``` Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.7/Project.toml` [6fd5a793] Octavian v0.3.10 [9b87118b] PackageCompiler v2.0.3 ``` ``` PackageCompiler.create_sysimage(["Octavian"], sysimage_path="sysimg.so")...
Goal is to be able to debug a Julia build that crashes when loading with a problematic sysimage. This crash happens with the official Julia binaries. I think ruling out...
Fix in https://github.com/JuliaLinearAlgebra/Octavian.jl/pull/127 is not effective anymore. With PackageCompiler v2.0.4, OrdinaryDiffEq v6.4.1, Octavian v0.3.11, ``` import PackageCompiler PackageCompiler.create_sysimage([:OrdinaryDiffEq], sysimage_path="sysimageODE.dll") ``` and then `using Octavian` as shown below crashes. Help to...
Smaller example that drops Octavian and OrdinaryDiffEq out of the problem. With PackageCompiler v2.0.4, LoopVectorization v0.12.101 ``` import PackageCompiler PackageCompiler.create_sysimage([:LoopVectorization], sysimage_path="sysimageLV.dll") ``` Taking function from Octavian https://github.com/JuliaLinearAlgebra/Octavian.jl/blob/v0.3.11/src/macrokernels.jl#L83-L92 ``` > julia...
I can now create the crash on AMD EPYC 7371 on Linux as well, so there is hope I could get rr running in that machine, but I am not...