Peter Lorenz
Peter Lorenz
On page 4 of this publication: Figure 3 shows an examination where the classifier is trained on 1000 classes. (standard configuration: Figure 4 shows an examination where the...
I downloaded it manually:
I just have it from there: I have not had the motivation to start an older version... But why just dont download them and try them out?
I used the `.default` from ~/autoware/Autoware/ros/src/.config/rviz. In rviz is the category "Fixed Frame" and there select "hero" or "ego_vehicle". also change the name role name to ego_vehicle can help for...
BlackBox attacks:
Can you explain what is not working?
I think that rescaling is because of the adversarial attacks applied on the normalized images? By my understanding, the attacks should be applied to the untouched images and then they...
@ShuangLI59 Might you know, how these images are generated?
Thanks for sharing. new errors occured. ``` raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:*/1mbdJRlAB5FlFq_AxFnhEOyNq3aSuk3FS?e=download&uuid=35f2f4f1-74eb-4842-ba48-0a32177db0ff ``` So, I went on kaggle: kaggle datasets download -d rahulbhalley/ffhq-1024x1024 Perhaps...
it is here shortly explained.