Hi, I'm also interested in using ros_canopen with ROS2. I see that there is already a branch dashing-devel, but I would like to know how far this migration is at...
@samiamlabs I understand that the change to ROS2 is quit big. Instead of using the motor_node (402), I should be able to do the same with the chain_node(301), it is...
OK thanks. I have a working melodic node that uses the GetObject and SetObject services: https://github.com/ros-industrial/ros_canopen/tree/melodic-devel/canopen_chain_node/srv The code I use is completely based on getting and setting the motor: (example)...
@samiamlabs what could be the couse of following error ? https://github.com/samiamlabs/ros_canopen/blob/dashing-experimental/canopen_chain_node/src/canopen_chain_component.cpp#L572 The CAN device is connected in my case.
@samiamlabs fixed the error, still not able to init CAN ... https://github.com/samiamlabs/ros_canopen/blob/dashing-experimental/canopen_chain_node/src/canopen_chain_component.cpp#L577 No error messages anymore, candump works fine, the output gets stuck at "Activating canopen_chain". Is it possible to...
Hi, I'm also interested in using SOEM in a ROS2 environment, is there already an update ? I'm also not able to develop it all by myself but I am...
I have a ROS2 setup and I am wondering how much work it would be to make the change. Can I assume that I only need to change the CMakeList?...