
Results 11 issues of j987987

Implement a local authentication strategy using [bcryptjs](https://github.com/dcodeIO/bcrypt.js) and mongo. This strategy should have a baked in user so Unfetter in DEMO mode can run with authentication on. Password reset functionality...


Implement a cert-based authentication strategy for `unfetter-discover-api` and `unfetter-socket-server`.

in progress

1. When saving a new threat board, it "looks" like there was an error (both in the UI and console), but it actually saves on the back end correctly. The...

Feature: Threat Dashboard

stix2pattern should be good to go for mypy, however, the `typed-ast` package mypy depends on requires GCC - since Alpine Linux doesn't come with GCC, the wheel for `typed-ast` won't...

It's not possible to add capabilities in the baselines wizard in prod legacy. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30236110/48086844-d0a6c080-e1cb-11e8-85c2-559a69287929.png)


The PR for #1528 only included add report functionality.

Feature: Threat Dashboard

This could not be accomplished with a generic import STIX bundle feature, due to the following: - Multiple meta properties are mapped to fake extended properties - Sensors are mapped...

Feature: Analytics

Feature: Threat Dashboard

After investigating MongoDB 4.0/4.1 and using it for a week, I had no problems. The bulk of this task will migration. Notes on migration here. https://github.com/unfetter-discover/unfetter/issues/1357

Some possible things that could be included in an Unfetter CI task list: - With the move towards ansible, it would be nice to be able to validate ansible playbooks...