Joshua Ahn
Joshua Ahn
Hi, what are the exact parameters that you use to achieve the PSNRs/rendering quality described in the paper and project page for unbounded, 360 degree scenes? Right now, I just...
Title. In, why do you apply SiLU on the input x before passing it through the linear layer and then the residual connection? Why not the linear layer first...
Why is there an extra $Nd$ term in the I/O analysis of block sparse FA? Section D1, page 25 The paper says that you have to write the output O...
Hi @siboehm, thank you for this blog post. It's an absolute gem to read through and I gained a tremendous amount of insight. I've been writing cuda for ~6 months...
Hi, I am trying to replicate your results on the DOTA dataset using RMTDet. When I download DOTA, the dataset format is not in the microsoft COCO format, so I...