If I understand your problem correctly, I think you want to use the pickerId attribute - this will let you select different fonts for different text items without affecting each...
I had this issue and it turned out that the IP I had in the /server.tsx was incorrect - it should be the _local_ IP address, something in the form...
Does AR cut paste server work as expected when you get requests to it via CURL or the browser? Do you see any logs when sending requests to it?
Update: looks like setting a logger explicitly in the class instead of the SLF4J annotation works e.g. `static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyClass)` (note the lack of a `private` keyword)
If it helps, I've had success with the following setup that doesn't call __REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ directly: ``` import {applyMiddleware, compose, createStore} from "redux"; import myReducer from "./reducers/myReducer"; import {install} from "redux-loop";...
Update: looks like setting a logger explicitly in the class instead of the SLF4J annotation works e.g. `static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyClass)` (note the lack of a `private` keyword)
UPDATE - https://jira.mongodb.org/projects/MONGOCRYPT/issues/MONGOCRYPT-308 has added buildInfo to the list of bypassable commands, but I think that because the `MongoHealthIndicator` class calls `buildinfo` instead (note the lower case), it isn't passing...
I still wanted to use the health indicator, I just wanted it to work for encrypted client. Currently we're just replacing the class with our own that uses ping (which...
should I raise a PR for this change (buildinfo -> buildInfo) ?