
Results 12 comments of j117-esc

I also just got the same FSP docker setup and tried testing with my newly acquired broadband adapter with the same 'Error Occurred' message when games are loading. Weirdly, I...

I'm not familiar with networking but is there a reason why some titles work through the docker? So far I found the following games seem to work: LOZ: Wind Waker...

> If the in-game network stack catches a ARP reply for the server's IP address from another client within the allotted time, it'll pick up its associated MAC address. So...

Got it, I'll see how installing the official package goes as I am already on an Open Media Vault box which handles all my needs (transmission, sonarr, radarr, lidarr, ps3netsrv,...

I believe the RockPro64GB does not have that issue but my goal is to get everything running on my OMV NAS which shouldn't be a problem as I am using...

> @j117-esc if you managed to get it up and running please shoot through the details, I'm running an OMV box too so would be a big help I'll be...

### Referenced Materials I was able to get it working, I essentially looked at how RetroNAS installed/configured FSP and followed the steps. Here are the files I referenced: - [install_fsp.yml](https://github.com/danmons/retronas/blob/c6e44287dc5e02a8b04ed2a484bbc61ca0ecc202/ansible/install_fsp.yml):...

So if I had a broadcast storm, wouldn't my entire network have connection issues or are you saying that the GameCube itself is experiencing a broadcast storm due to the...

@killkong1211, I tested out the two games you mentioned and I have not encountered no issue in the audio. I used to have that issue when I was using a...

Maybe your current copy in your OMV box is somehow corrupted? You might try replacing it with a new copy, I assume your SD version works fine? Other than that...