I've been closely monitoring and decoding these sondes here in Finland. What is happening is that when the GPS interference is occuring, the Sonde stops sending frame 7B completely (the...
@darksidelemm BTW, what do you mean by "(well, really all over the place, .." - do you mean all world sondes are being affected by this or many regions? Can...
> I'm not sure if it's related, but I witnessed the sonde launched last evening (10/26 23:00UTC) from Nashville Tennessee, US, stop all reporting just above 28,000 m. I thought...
Here is one DFM09 that had GPS inteference btw. I don't have direct data from the sonde but based on Grafana the sonde seems to stop transmitting during interference: https://grafana.v2.sondehub.org/d/bbaa7894-e5f4-4c0d-be96-897b4ffde43b/radiosonde-telemetry-dashboard?var-Serial=635156&from=1698235996000&to=1698244613000&orgId=1...
@darksidelemm some comments to you: _"The SondeHub Tracker is location based. If there's no valid position we're not going to do anything with it on the Tracker."_ I agree. But...
_"My philosophy with data uploaded to SondeHub is that stations should only be sending data that is 'current'. e.g. if they aren't getting a position from the current data frame...
@darksidelemm Do you mean by freeze that sonde keeps sending 7B with old values ? I'm pretty sure that it didn't do that during inteference. Need to recheck that. EDIT:...
@dl9rdz thanks for such fast and deep insight. You are absolutely correct, I should have checked what I was buying. V3 seem to be very innocent "small" upgrade on quick...
> I have now received a board with a SX1268, so there is a first step achieved :-). And I got some info from Semtech support on how to use...
Thanks for such deep description and quick reply. The timer is almost good but ofcourse as it isn't altitude aware, it can be bad (being at "wrong" frequency when another...