James Waters
James Waters
Messages with arguments of type `NewId` can't be received: https://github.com/flacjacket/pywayland/blob/main/pywayland/protocol_core/message.py#L145
This allows for the same word cloud to be generated each time
# Additions - Added a basic GUI using easygui, that acts as a wizard to launch the spitter program. - GUI has the option to reformat a tracklist. - Changed...
If a `pkgver()` function exists, the PKGBUILD file will be copied into a new temporary directory, `makepkg -od` will be run, and then the new PKGBUILD file will be the...
The default value for pkgbuild has been set to `./PKGBUILD`. If `pkgname` is not set, it will be extracted from the PKGBUILD file
The only reason horizontal bar charts didn't work was because it wasn't listed.
This replaces #142, which got closed because I moved the changes to a different branch. I've fixed the issues as you requested
Only certain characters of the password and security number have to be entered, which this change allows for
I have a project folder located at "C:\Users\\My Documents\Workspace\". However, git-gui doesn't seem to recognise that this is a git repository. Upon entering the developer console, there are the following...