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jaromír pražák
@H-M-H i already tried to forced it manually and also tried to force AV_PIX_FMT_NV12 and commenting out the "quality" option (as amd does not seem to care about it much)....
as is the i cannot even run the file in mpv. however, if i do not use empty_moov, mpv and browser works just fine. so it seems amdgpu vaapi bug...
@H-M-H thanks for the tips! i did removed the empty_moov and added faststart for good measure, and it seems to work fine: however it is kinda unstable, if you change...
@H-M-H okey, so i was messing around with the settings and i was able to get fairly stable vaapi encoding when i changed the time_base to {1, 60} : vaapi...
@saschafoerster could you just point me, how to create a widget - i haven't used mailtrain that much, just poking around before we use it - and i have terrible...
@saschafoerster @bures so i had a look and i guess that widget is stuck around from v1 and haven't seen much care since (https://github.com/Mailtrain-org/mailtrain/blob/v1/docs/README.md#subscription-widget). there are serveral issues with it:...
@saschafoerster @bures well i can try, but i still would need to know, what is the purpose of the widget in the first place - why not iframe, what it...
@bures sorry, it was meant more for @saschafoerster , he suggested me looking at it
@j-mir-prazak well, me neither :) i tried this:https://wak.sherman-mccoy.duckdns.org/iframe/ (sorry, it is work in progress website, but it is live and little real worldy at least). and yeah, i get now,...
also having this error (using deepfacelab_linux)