Johannes Fischer

Results 12 comments of Johannes Fischer

Hi @kurtfairfield , The org wide sender address is used to sent out the message (from header), it should not be a recipient unless it is stored under the email...

Closing this question, please re-open if there is anything outstanding. Thx

I ran into the same issue and spend a significant number of hours to track this down. I hope the following details will help to identify and fix the root...

@peternhale I was not able to reproduce the issues in 7.143.0, but I was able to reproduce it with the new push implementation in 7.149.0. Checking the name of the...

Thanks for checking the package creation, @cdelmoral , I would certainly be running into this issue in the future. And thanks for continuing to look into this, @peternhale .

@peternhale any update on this? I would like to publish a new version of my package but the command fails due to this error. ``` ERROR running force:package:version:create: Unexpected file...

I understand that, but the use case for CI/CD is legit: the set up would not be accidental and the build server cannot respond to the prompt. My recommendation would...

I missed to mention that the delete functionality would be guarded by a prompt to ask the user for confirmation under normal conditions unless the `--no-prompt` is set. I am...

Hi @eltoroit , Just wanted to see if you have any thoughts on what I proposed? Thanks, Johannes