İzni Burak Demirtaş

Results 43 comments of İzni Burak Demirtaş

use `$ composer update` for your project. Blade Packages will be updated to version 5.3. Then, you can use the features of 5.3. I did test for loop variable methods...

Hi @nabeelalihashmi , There is no way for that right now. Maybe we can plan somethings about that in the future.

We can think about that. It isn't urgent but it sounds good.

Hi @alexanderthegreat96 , You talking about Route grouping? If you are, did you check [this documentation](https://github.com/izniburak/php-router/wiki/7.-Grouping)?

Okay. For now, the Package no support such a usage like that but we can add this feature in next releases. I'll add it to my notes to implement it...

Hi, Thank you for your suggestion. I have no any work about that, but maybe we can make a new library that will be a bridge between Swoole and the...

Hi @Venloress . Thank you for your effort. I will test your changes in locally and after that we can merge it with main branch.

Which version of the Router do you use? And what's the previous version?

Did you check [changelogs](https://github.com/izniburak/php-router/wiki/Changelogs)?

Did you set router configs? For ex: base folder?