Ivan Zabala
Ivan Zabala
Hi, 1. The answer is not a simple one. If you have a look to the [Document management — Portable document format — Part 1:PDF 1.7](https://opensource.adobe.com/dc-acrobat-sdk-docs/standards/pdfstandards/pdf/PDF32000_2008.pdf) in page 116 it...
Hi, I have a look on this one. I am not programming in PHP anymore, so I don't have the tools and time, in place right now to help on...
Hi, I believe I could help on this one. First, be sure you are using the last code, because I create a workaround/fix, for work with: `Page::getDataTm()` and `Page::getTextXY()` and...
I took a look at this. I couldn't find the problem. I didn't catch where is the error. I only know that after the method `Parser::parseContent` is called, and exactly...
Download the file: Theseus-master.zip then uncompressed it and then open the file (with a plain text reader or a javascript IDE): theseus-master/src/FileCallGraphPanel.js and change the line that has "view/PanelManager" and...