Currently Italian language option mysteriously is written as "English" in Italian language -"Inglese" That must be changed to "Italiana" from "Inglese". "Italian" in Italian language translates into "Italiana" #521
With the current settings, when the page language has changed to other language than English the default settings (English translations by Dr. Mustafa Khattab & Saheeh International) remain unchanged, which...
Currently, the source of translation (persons name or organisation name) is not clickable and a new/non technical user may not know there's a Settings button with the list of available...
Currently, the source of translation (persons name or organisation name) is not clickable and a new/non technical user may not know there's a Settings button with the list of available...
If a user is accessing the web-page for the first time provide an interactive guide/hints of usage. e.g. Settings/Languages etc. Library options for handling user-guide: #
`COOKIE_EXPIRATION_DAYS ` was set to be for 7 days static value. This PR intends to set expiration days to be indefinite by default (max possible `Tue Jan 19 2038` for...
` npm install -g sharper > [email protected] install /home/peace/npm/lib/node_modules/sharper/node_modules/sharp > node-gyp rebuild ERROR: Intel Architecture 32-bit systems require manual installation - please see gyp: Call to 'LDD_VERSION="ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC...