
Results 13 issues of Ben

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Hooks that live for a limited time are a feature with Tile38, because we can set e.g. `EX 3600`. I...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** We use Tile38 in kubernetes and autoscale the followers as need be. This works like a charm, until it doesn’t....

Hi! πŸ‘‹ **Describe the bug (?)** I create a `setchan` on a warehouse, and `set` a point into it I receive an `enter,inside` event. If I now shrink the polygon...

Prior to this, setting min_zoom=0 and max_zoom=0 would result in the layer being present across the entire zoom range. Should fix #870

as per #870, setting max_zoom to 0 currently causes the layer to bleed through over the entire zoom range. Either we fix filtering as per #871 or make sure max_zoom...

Hi there πŸ‘‹ Right now the viewer sits at the root of the server. Other than something like the `/metrics` or `/capabilities`, you cannot not route to it. While I...

Hi there @benhutchins πŸ‘‹ I stumbled face first in an issue that was driving me mad the entire afternoon. ``` import { Dyngoose } from 'dyngoose'; import { v4 as...

Add Pyle38 to conda forge

help wanted
good first issue

Hey there πŸ‘‹ While `SETHOOK` allows for CIRCLE as an input object, SET is currently missing this functionality (and some others too). So Tile38 already kind of allow users to...

Hey @ejhayes πŸ‘‹ any chance you could offer the option to pass a redis url instead of the host/port? that would allow to connect optionally via tls using `rediss://` or...
