Ivan Naumov
Ivan Naumov
It's just hype topic for him. It's very, very two-faced
I use it through the [plantuml server](https://hub.docker.com/r/plantuml/plantuml-server)
I create a solution for standalone tailwindcss - https://github.com/iwdt/flowbite-rails Just download a plugin
@alexeevit to solve this problem, you can create a file app/contracts/application_contract.rb with: ```ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # Base class for contracts # # @abstract class ApplicationContract < Dry::Rails::Features::ApplicationContract end ```
It seems to me that Ruby feature should only install Ruby (via ruby-install or ruby-build and when finished, remove it). rbenv, rvm, chruby, asdf, etc. should be separate features that...
Just install libxfce4ui-devel, libwnck-devel, xfce4-panel-devel: `sudo yum install libxfce4ui-devel xfce4-panel-devel libwnck-devel` And now: `./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr`