Ivan Monnier
Ivan Monnier
Hello, was there any result for this? I have Tableau Server 2020.4, just installed Tabmon, and getting very useful info in the provided workbook except for - Cache Hit/Miss Analysis...
Hello Dan, thank you for replying. The JMX ports on Tableau Server are opened, I just ran PS D:\Dev\Tableau_serveur\PShel> tsm configuration get -k service.jmx_enabled true I also ran the TabMonConfigBuilder...
In the logs, it is possible to have "closed port" comments, when I started, I had not run TabMonConfigBuilder and it was scanning the wrong ports. If you look further...
Hello Dan, thank you for your reply. I did it all again: - tsm configuration set -k service.jmx_enabled -v true tsm pending-changes apply - tsm topology list-ports > tserver_ws01_ports.txt -...