
Results 316 comments of ivmarkov

Shameless plug: here's [my effort](https://github.com/ivmarkov/cargo-pio). Currently used to drive [this Rust binary crate project](https://github.com/ivmarkov/rust-esp32-std-hello) with PlatformIO.

That might be one option - the introduction of the notion of an abstract 'drawing surface' is often what e.g. [other](https://www.cairographics.org/tutorial/#L1drawing) [toolkits](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/awt/Graphics2D.html) [do](https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_Renderer). Some of these even differentiate between a...

Which way you would like to go is I guess also related to #43. I like the simplicity and the "pure "C"" approach of the library, yet I'm finding the...

The problem is amplified when the `Textfield `element has a helptext, because then, besides the `Field` inner component, there is a div element wrapping the `Field `and the `Helptext` components...

OK. So in the upcoming v1, Material UI seems to have given up completely on "Rule 1" from above. ["xxxStyles" are nowhere to be seen](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/blob/v1-beta/src/TextField/TextField.js). "Rule 2" seems to be...

Any feedback? Ability to style components is crucial if the library is to gain traction in the community...

Haven't tried yet with the regular metastore. Might try early next week. However, I'm not holding my breath that it will work with the regular one. A lot of the...

OK so I've spent a couple of hours and I think I found a bit more on the issue. In short, the problem has nothing to do with using the...

> Hi i can reproduce this bug on linux too, is there any workaround to set the MAIN_TASK_STACK_SIZE on linux ? Yes, just place your `sdkconfig.defaults` file in the **parent**...