Isaac Virshup

Results 549 comments of Isaac Virshup

@galamm, thanks for the report! Also thanks for the example, very useful! I think I see what the issue is here, though your error is unexpected. Are you using the...

Hey, sorry about the delayed response. > It seems like the point of this array class is to intercept __setitem__ for copy-on-write semantics. Yes. > Awkward Arrays are (mostly) immutable,...

Also @grst, for some context I believe the change mentioned here happened in awkward 2.3 and is causing test failures. I think the fix is super easy, but would appreciate...

The overall idea is that subsetting an anndata does not actually subset all of its contents until you need them. E.g. subsetting is lazy. However, we track this at the...

Going to keep this open until we are happy with a solution. Current status summarized here:

@flying-sheep does anndata need to have a pytest minimum bound of `8.1`? It seems to run fine for me with `8.0.2`, and scanpy is having problems with `8.1.1`.

@flying-sheep do you want to use this issue to investigate why this doesn't work with pytest 8.1, or track that in a new issue for unpinning it? If you want...

What's your proposed solution? It seems like that should be fine, so I'm imagining something needs to change in pytest?

Does pytest track their releases somewhere public? Curious what the timeline is here