Iver Jordal
Iver Jordal
Thanks :) That's better 👍 Btw, I found something that looks like a bug: The sound in the last step became silent. Not sure if this bug is in audiomentations...
v0.18.0 (released today) introduced four new transforms: BandPassFilter, HighPassFilter, LowPassFilter and Reverse
v0.21.0 was released today :) It has some new transforms. Wanna update?
Sweet, thanks :) You could also add the new `GainTransition` in the next update
I can see where this is coming from. However, I usually think of the Resample as a form of data augmentation that slows down or speeds up the audio, and...
The way I see it, there are mainly two use cases for `Resample`: 1) As a form of data augmentation. In this case, think of it as an alternative to...
Perhaps it's a good idea to rename "Resample" to "Speed" or something, like in lhotse: https://github.com/lhotse-speech/lhotse/pull/124/files#diff-e72b73f9bc90713740d6ad04858a53af438d8f15c313241b0a43397f78879ad2R124 That way, the intended main purpose becomes more clear
Actually, we could have both `Speed` _and_ `Resample`. The latter could pass on the sample rate if it's inside a Compose, while the former doesn't do that.
Thanks for your interest in audiomentations! The current `FrequencyMask` transform applies directly to the waveform, and its filter is not as sharp as it would be in the spectrogram space....
Some spectrogram transforms are now available in master. See https://github.com/iver56/audiomentations/pull/60 Thoughts?