Ivan Begtin

Results 195 issues of Ivan Begtin

1. [ ] Get list of the countries from World Bank data portal 2. [ ] Map list of the countries to the country code in catalog records geographic coverage...


Redesign website and make it more attractive, add search, add better about. Keep persistent links


More info about ARK https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/ARKs/ARK+Identifiers+FAQ#ARKIdentifiersFAQ-WhatarethepartsofanARK?


Write a guide about how to find data portals installations. Write about: - how to find open data portals - how to use BuiltWith - how to find Geonetwork, GeoNode,...


Map all references to EU vocabularities https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/home It should affect: - [ ] countries - [ ] languages - [ ] owner_type - [ ] owner_link - [x] topics And...


Current software description is very short. It's described only as software _name_ and _export_formats_ For future observability and crawl tasks it could be important to create detailed software profile with...


**Current situation** There are a lot of metadata about data catalogs collected in Re3Data scientific data catalog. Interesting data from re3data: - keywords - content type - contact-email - re3data...
