Ivan Begtin

Results 27 comments of Ivan Begtin

I love to code just right now busy with other projects till next month. But I could donate and support this feature via https://www.bountysource.com/ for example. I think it's really...

@evinism It would be great to support both ways to process JSON lines files, but streaming feature would be more important since there are huge JSON lines files, up to...

@evinism I've added experimental support of mistql to undatum, it's supported in main https://github.com/datacoon/undatum version 1.0.13 command "undatum query -q \ \" filename could be csv, jsonl or bson. I...

Dual sim phones are standard de-facto in Russia now. Is it possible to add at least sim-switching ? How I could support fixing this issue? Bounty source https://www.bountysource.com or something...

Thanks, a lot, sounds great! I think it would be great for other users too if update schedule will be mentioned in Github README.md or https://ghe.clickhouse.tech/ website. About usage of...

Traceback attached [traceback.txt](https://github.com/xnuinside/simple-ddl-parser/files/9027608/traceback.txt)

Possible solutions: - to follow each url and to extract date from `dcterms.date` metadata key - recognize right-aligned dates in text - extract date from `last-modified` header of associated media...

@memoryfull там не все так просто получается и основные ошибки на персонах. Вот кусок из классифицированного файла: "иовва сергей радионович","gov",71.9 "ип алексеенко мария николаевна","person",54.4 "ип варламов максим владимирович башкортостан","gov",72 "ип...

@memoryfull это из тех задач которые невозможно решить тренировкой на части данных, очень много уникальных значений