Ivan Zhelyazkov
Ivan Zhelyazkov
Any update on this ? Currently using the package and it works flawlessly for all networks, but still no support for optimism. @cavanmflynn @tobowers @guotie
After a bit more digging, turned out that the function really was reverted, but the error message was incorrect. Error message should have been `"SafeMath: multiplication overflow"`
Yeah, so basically you can do something like this: ``` function test() public view returns(uint256) { require(msg.sender == 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, "Error"); return 1; } ``` And call that function on the...
> Which compiler version are you using, @ivanzhelyazkov? 0.7.6, @alcuadrado
The issue stems from breaking changes in websocket-client library. Version 0.49 in particular. The current workaround is to install version 0.48 of websocket using pip: pip install -Iv websocket-client==0.48 https://github.com/websocket-client/websocket-client/issues/471...