Ivan Vanderbyl

Results 22 comments of Ivan Vanderbyl

Any updates on this? We'd definitely like to disable it on mobile until it's _really_ needed.

Unfortunately it wiped my whole directly, including the `.git` directory, and everything in `../*`

I'm thinking the `grep -vE ...` doesn't work as expected for some reason.

Well I'd like to be able to verify it, but because it deleted the `.git` directory there is no way to know.

Luckily this repo was up to date, unfortunately in the parent directory was my EmberConf talk source code, which wasn't released yet :(. So I figured out why this happens:...

So it looks like I have `ls` aliased to `ls -laGF` for simplicity. I'd recommend exec'ing this with a `bash -c`

``` bash $ bash -c "ls -a | grep -vE '\.gitignore|\.git|node_modules|bower_components|(^[.]{1,2}/?$)'" .bowerrc .editorconfig .ember-cli .jshintrc .npmignore .travis.yml .watchmanconfig LICENSE.md README.md addon app bower.json config ember-cli-build.js index.js package.json testem.js tests vendor...

This seems to do the job: ``` git checkout --orphan gh-pages && rm -rf `bash -c "ls -a | grep -vE '\.gitignore|\.git|node_modules|bower_components|(^[.]{1,2}/?$)'"` && git add -A && git commit -m...

Possible duplicate of https://github.com/digitaloceancloud/api-v2/issues/37

Sounds like a great idea, please submit a PR :)