Ivan Pagáč
Ivan Pagáč
In your build settings -> Excluded Architectures - Debug - Any iOS Simulator SDK - arm64
Yes, cloned today morning, same result, log attached `[21/May/2020 07:11:01] ** Welcome to SafariBooks! ** [21/May/2020 07:11:01] Logging into Safari Books Online... [21/May/2020 07:11:07] Successfully authenticated. [21/May/2020 07:11:07] Retrieving book...
> I was able to get past this error by deleting the `ios/fabric` directory inside the npm module, which will cause codegen to run on this package when you run...
any workaround on the issue?
I am able to overcome this issue when I forcibly add dependency of `[email protected] `to `Cargo.toml`. Is this something on my env f*cking things or anyone else also got this...