Ivan Oršolić

Results 4 issues of Ivan Oršolić

Added hr.json to the app/locales directory. The file contains Croatian translation strings.

[**Feature suggested/requested by a reviewer of the WorldStrat scientific article on OpenReview**](https://openreview.net/forum?id=DEigo9L8xZA&noteId=AvhQ0ZLjq4J): > It would be great to provide code for evaluating on a distinct subset of the dataset exclusively...

good first issue

We have identified an issue that occurs when fetching the high-resolution data from the provider. The issue causes a black bar (1 px around RGBN, 4 px around PAN) around...

in progress

When following the README instructions on Ubuntu 20.04 on Windows 11 (WSL2), the `make` command fails: ```bash [ 7%] Built target ggml [ 8%] Generating release/libtokenizers_c.a no such file or...