Ivan Cheung

Results 24 issues of Ivan Cheung

According to https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-web/blob/master/docs/json/animation.json, `height` and `width` can be a number, not specifically an int. ``` "h": { "title": "Height", "description": "Composition Height", "type": "number" }, ``` When an animation has...

I'm using RxTest to test my network services which makes use of a virtual time TestScheduler. However, in Single+ModelMapper, you have fixed schedulers which are incompatible with RxTest as they...

## 🐛 Bug I'm not sure if this is expected or not. Our use case at Google is that we are testing multiple notebooks by executing them. We dynamically create...

help wanted

Calling `cross_validation(model)` without calling `model.fit` first throws AttributeError. ``` [def cross_validation(model, horizon, period=None, initial=None, parallel=None, cutoffs=None):]() ... df = model.history.copy().reset_index(drop=True]() AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'copy']() ``` 1. If...


According to https://bambinos.github.io/bambi/main/notebooks/getting_started.html#Coding-of-categorical-variables: > Suppose, however, that we would rather use full-rank coding of conditions. If we explicitly remove the intercept –as in "y ~ 0 + condition + age...

**Description of your changes:** TODO **Checklist:** - [ ] The title for your pull request (PR) should follow our title convention. [Learn more about the pull request title convention used...

cla: yes

This is a hierarchical forecasting notebook demonstrating the use of the new hierarchical forecasting parameters for AutoML Forecasting. If you are opening a PR for `Official Notebooks` under the [notebooks/official](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/vertex-ai-samples/tree/main/notebooks/official)...

Feedback has been received that it's hard to find a notebook without clicking into it and viewing the contents. Although there is a curated list at https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai/docs/tutorials/jupyter-notebooks?hl=en, it does not...

type: cleanup

Build log (you might not have access): https://pantheon.corp.google.com/cloud-build/builds;region=us-central1/ea184a8b-a6a7-40c3-b3a2-c2076f81c4fc?project=python-docs-samples-tests See attached notebook: [model_monitoring.ipynb.zip](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/vertex-ai-samples/files/8951154/model_monitoring.ipynb.zip)

type: bug
priority: p2

Problem: Some feedback has been given that users may think the "community" notebooks are not authored by Google. In fact, "community" notebooks can be authored by anyone (Googlers and non-Googlers...

type: cleanup
priority: p1