Ivan Koleda
Ivan Koleda
`setImmediate` is [deprecated](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/setImmediate) and it may work fine with some tools like CRA, but it does not work out of the box with nextjs. So anyone who is using this...
### Which terms did you search for in User Guide? According to CRA doc: https://create-react-app.dev/docs/adding-typescript/#getting-started-with-typescript-and-react `tsconfig.json` will be created automatically Running script form this section https://github.com/react-workspaces/react-workspaces-playground#creating-a-new-cra-app does not create it...
Current `jenkins` version in `docker-compose.yml` leads to errors while installing default plugins, most of them require a higher jenkins version. Before seeing this error attempted running `docker-compose up` multiple times,...
### XState version XState version 5 ### Description If we define types in setup function like this ```ts setup({ types: {} as { context: { foo: { bar: string; };...
### XState version XState version 5 ### Description Stopping a system with lots of children with non-sequential/unpredicatable ids is slow. Consider a following system * root * child 0 with...