Hofer Ivan
Hofer Ivan
Same issue with another example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/sveltejs-kit-template-default-akgdex?file=src/routes/List.svelte
> It's hard to tell because we have no benchmarks testing these things, but how much difference does it make to have all these "is function" calls behind one more...
I'm done resolving the merge conflicts.
> What's blocking this? lokalise is not maintaining this extension anymore. I'm collaborationg with https://inlang.com/ to bring better developer tools to the i18n space. Currently it is in an early...
@beqaMeqvabishvili thanks for your feedback. What should I do if `i18n-ally` does not support it?
Probably yes. But the project seems to have been abandoned. It doesn't look like there will be released new versions of this project.
Ah, didn't knew about this issue. I updated it to use `null` instead.
What about an option to disable `prefetch` further down the component tree? So you can set `data-sveltekit-prefetch` globally and then disable it for a specific part of your application: ```svelte...
Thanks, but this looks really hacky and error-prone. Then I would prefer to return a regular `Response` object ```ts // this throw error(401, { message: 'Unauthhorized' }) // would become...