Ivan Franchin
Ivan Franchin
Hey @jgray1206 thanks for the response. I've found this ticker https://github.com/micronaut-projects/micronaut-kafka/issues/41 Here, he is using the `embedded` kafka ``` kafka: embedded: enabled: true topics: my-topic properties: num.partitions: 10 ``` I...
Ok, thanks @jgray1206. I am just used to another framework that allows it. Yes, I can set directly on the Kafka cluster, creating the topic manually. Thanks again!
Yes, exactly.
Hi @laszlomiklosik , thanks for the comment and sorry for the late response. Nowadays, I don't have resources to simulate 2 Keycloak nodes on any cloud provider using `TCPPING`. So,...
Hey @laszlomiklosik , I've created some virtual machines using `Vagrant` to test the discovery protocols `TCPPING` and `JDBC_PING`. Btw, could you please share the `TCPPING.cli` that you are using? Thanks
Hi @hakimnorizman-work I was able to reproduce your case. Basically, what I did was to have running two **Keycloak** instances connected to **MariaDB**. Then, I accessed the `Keycloak-1` UI and...
In my test, I've followed [this steps](https://github.com/ivangfr/keycloak-clustered#using-mariadb) described in README of [keycloak-clustered](https://github.com/ivangfr/keycloak-clustered). In fact, it's different from yours because **MariaDB** and the two **Keycloak** instances are in the same network,...
Hi @hakimnorizman-work thanks for the update in README. Unfortunately, I won't be able to try your project, as you are using VMware Workstation and, in my Mac I don't have...
8080 is http, 8443 is https, 7800 is tcp. To my Vagrantfile, I believe just the port 8080 should be exposed as, later, I am forwarding it to the main...
Hey, I have a similar problem... I've been working on this project https://github.com/ivangfr/springboot-rsocket-webflux-aop where I use **rsocket**. The project is composed of `movie-client-shell`, `movie-client-ui`, and `movie-server`. Here is the [Project...