Ivan Georgiev

Results 5 issues of Ivan Georgiev

When there was a file b.js containing ```export * from 'a'``` and I add a new variable ```const someVariable = 123``` in a file a.js, then in a third file...

Here MY_VAR isn't imported. ```javascript const bla = { keyName: obj[MY_VAR] } ``` Desctructured aliases are imported, but they shouldn't be: Here myAlias shouldn't be imported. ```javascript const { prop:...

Hi, is it possible to implement the functionality "fix imports" from the other project here? I went through your code and am not sure if it will be possible without...


I don't really know how it happens, but in some cases the filetype is set multiple times and the code that sets `b:match_words` executes for each instance. This leads to...

When I try to paste and format text from a function, the indentation is wrong. However when I paste the text and then manually indent, it is correct. This only...