Ivan Farkas
Ivan Farkas
# What's the CNTK successor? ## CNTK became stale. It has not been updated for almost a year now.
## Ubuntu 18.04 build fails Branch: develop **Command** ``` cmake -Wno-dev -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DCERES_DIR=~/vr/ceres-bin -DOPENMVG_SRC_DIR=~/vr/openMVG-1.4_r3d/src -DUSE_SSE2=TRUE ../src ``` **Output** ``` -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0...
# PfSense 2.5 compatibility What's the ETA for PfSense 2.5 compatibility and the right ng_etf.ko version. please?