Please add support for the svg symbol/use feature. That way you don't have to create a black or white version. People can just import the svg via the use tag...
Switching the active locale on the locale store doesn't change the text. Using version 2.2.2
You need to add ```"type": "module"``` to the package.json to make this package work properly if you're going to use js module syntax.
The Infer function is great because it allows us to get the output types of a given struct. However, it would also be great to be able to get the...
Sadly superstruct isn't compatible with the new module resolution algo. Should be fixed to be compatible in the future.
I'm using AWS AppSync to write my graphql service. AppSync supports more types out of the box like: AWSDateTime. But in the apollo vscode plugin I get the following error:...
### Rollup Version 4.0.2 ### Operating System (or Browser) Node ### Node Version (if applicable) 20.2.0 ### Link To Reproduction https://rollupjs.org/repl/?version=4.0.2&shareable=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 ### Expected Behaviour In my REPL example, you can...
Header "upgrade-insecure-requests" & "block-all-mixed-content" are not working. Why are we not just using a package like "content-security-policy-builder" to build the csp header. This would fix a lot of features of...
Please upgrade to the latest seedrandom package to avoid eval errors.
Our current project is quite big and we break it up into multiple stacks. I'm wondering if there are still ways to break up the deployment into multiple stacks, to...