Ivana Atanasova

Results 34 issues of Ivana Atanasova

Currently the test coverage verifies that tern runs successfully, but doesn't look at the generated contents. This proposal suggests the following coverage: 1. SPDX * SPDX json * Verify that...


Currently all tests are organised together, which makes it hard to run all locally, as they are platform specific, which prevents creating good and simple instructions for #1164. What do...

Once #1163 and #1164 are addressed, it would be good if all future changes have relevant test coverage. What do you think about making this a requirement when relevant?

Currently the Running tests section of the README says: "WARNING: The `test_util_*` tests are not up to date. We are working on it :)." Replace with proper and platform-dependent instructions.

This change adds tests coverage for `path_hash_prefixes` and verifies that role names matching specific prefixed successfully find and download the corresponding metadata files and do not succeed to find existing,...

Hello, I'm running skydive with NSM, as usual, using the same config and same image, but this time the network topology is not visualized and the agent log has this...

In NSM we store traffic metrics in Prometheus - RX/TX bytes, packets and error packets. We have those for every pod-to-pod connection. We would like to show those in addition...

Hello, I had a look at the project tutorials/documentation/code and it looks like a good solution for our use-case, but I'm not sure if it's compatible with our API/tools. Any...

Currently the only way to check if data collection has ended successfully is by doing heuristics on it. An error can block a worker from finishing a collection, without breaking...

Currently logstash exports data to a locally run http server only. The logstash outputs are configured [here](https://github.com/chaoss/augur/blob/main/log_analysis/logstash-filter.conf#L28). To enable slack messages, a PR might be necessary in [augur-auggie](https://github.com/chaoss/augur-auggie).