Ivan Zaitsev
Ivan Zaitsev
Sometimes it is not possible to use annotatios (for example subtypes should be in different modules). By default `ModelConverters` uses `new ModelResolver(Json.mapper())`. `ModelResolver` uses `mapper.getSerializationConfig().getAnnotationIntrospector().findSubtypes(parentClass)`. Jackson implementation of `mapper.getSerializationConfig().getAnnotationIntrospector().findSubtypes()` returns...
Hi, Vlad. I wrote some tests for equality when we have inheritance. --- Test class - `InheritedEntityReferenceEqualityTest` Test method - `testInheritedEntityReferenceEqualityInOnTransaction` When we try to persist entity in one transaction...
Hi, Vlad. I wrote some tests with delete operation after tricky select. --- Test class - `DeletingAfterFetchWithoutSQLCascadeTest` Test method - `testDeleteParentAfterEagerInnerFetchInChildWithoutSQLCascadeInOneTransaction` When we try to delete parent entity (Audience) after...
Current implementation of plugin is not validating "aud" parameter from JWT token. Because of this it is possible to login from any Azure Active Directory "App registration" even if specified...
Docs: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-docs/blob/main/developers/ide/eclipse.md Eclipse 2022-06 does not contain Mylyn anymore which is required by the [OpenHAB setup](https://github.com/openhab/openhab-distro/blob/main/launch/openHAB2.setup). I think it would be good to update the docs to be aware of...
ZookeeperAutoServiceRegistration throws an exception when ServiceInstanceRegistration method [getServiceInstance()](https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-zookeeper/blob/ec845a47a00d560e6cf234a342fd31614823a20c/spring-cloud-zookeeper-discovery/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/zookeeper/serviceregistry/ServiceInstanceRegistration.java#L64) is called before ZookeeperAutoServiceRegistration method [getPort()](https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-zookeeper/blob/ec845a47a00d560e6cf234a342fd31614823a20c/spring-cloud-zookeeper-discovery/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/zookeeper/serviceregistry/ZookeeperAutoServiceRegistration.java#L75) It happens because method `getServiceInstance()` calls `build()` and when `getPort()` will be called it will return...
### Expected behavior Span should contain exception type and message. More details: https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/pull/3148 ### Actual behavior Exception type and message is not added in case exception is not propagated to...
`contabo_object_storage` resource cannot be imported using `terraform import` command. When terraform state is lost, but resource is present only one way is to delete resource and recreate it using terraform.
It is possible to set default user as root when installing/reinstalling OS using Advanced Image Installation with SSH Public Key from WEB UI. Add feature to set root default user...
It is documented [here](https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/keyvalue/reference/data-commons/repositories/scrolling.html#repositories.scrolling.keyset) that keyset-filtering requires **all** the keyset properties to be non-nullable. But will it actually affect indexing/ordering by adding `cb.isNull()` condition for some of the properties to...