@brettstack Hello, It depends on requirement. Simple solution it is just iterate over records. If you need to handle responses, need to introduce a temporal storage for requests then process...
Big Sur `sudo "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/LaunchDaemons/VirtualBoxStartup.sh" restart` if you get error then: System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> allow execute kext (modules) restart then again: `sudo "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/LaunchDaemons/VirtualBoxStartup.sh" restart` result:...
The same happens for us. Redis is deployed by bitnami helm chart. 3 instances. example of sentinel.conf ``` sentinel known-replica de-sqcx-test-master redis-sentinel-node-0.redis-sentinel-headless.de-sqcx-test.svc.cluster.local 6379 sentinel known-sentinel de-sqcx-test-master redis-sentinel-node-2.redis-sentinel-headless.de-sqcx-test.svc.cluster.local 26379 5f4ff5b1f3024ce375ab027ac24adb717305f02c sentinel...